EVERYTHING STARTS TO COUNT...when you begin your freshman year of high school. And what could be more frightening? Tardies, test scores, studying, and exams… They all start to add up! Every grade point average that you will receive throughout the next four years of your life will help determine your future, and any colleges will be able to see them! These facts, and many other worries of the unpredictable future, are just a starter to get a lowly freshman stressed out in just a few moments. In fact, according to theatlantic.com, a July 2015 study provided by journal.frontiersin.org, half of the population of high school students are continually stressed over their academic future. Many students begin stressing over their classes also- hard or easy.
Stressed out? Here’s five ways to calm down, proven to work:
What’s wrong and how to fix it:
Academically, as high schoolers, assignments will naturally be tougher for students to do well and in a timely manner. If you are having a hard time completing an assignment, feel overwhelmed, or if you are not understanding a lesson, it is important that you let your teacher know this. If you are having constant trouble with a particular teacher’s method of teaching or a class that confuses you, your teacher may want to instill another method of tutoring or extra practice for you. At Summit Christian Academy, teachers care about the well-being of their students and support them as best as they can, in and out of class.
And everything else?
Well, besides academics, family, and sleeping, high schoolers tend to be engaged in extracurricular activities and jobs. Extracurriculars take time- sports, clubs, community service, and college applications- they’re all important, but what’s best? Well, obviously, academics should be the main priority, but what comes next? How do you know what colleges are looking for and what to invest your time into? First, try looking at the website campusexplorer.com. This is a free site that provides you with information to help fulfill higher education needs of students and making you aware of any and all types of colleges fit for you. But the question remains. What’s next? Are sports more important that being in student council, or should I drop music to fit in more community service hours? One is not more important than the other because there are universities that are specific and support all types of interests of students. What’s next is up to you, but you don’t have to sign up and be a part of everything; it is likely to create stress. Remember: Colleges may look at your extracurriculars and community service hours, but they are not likely the final determining factor. Grades should not suffer because you were too busy trying to do everything! Take it easy, take a break once in a while!
High school is important. The things you choose to spend your time on will affect your entire life, good or bad, and shape the way you view different aspects of your life. The way you interact with your teachers, friends, and family, all will have a lasting impact. The things that are or become important to you will become obvious, and people are watching, not just when you do something well. That’s why academics, sports, family, and other extracurriculars all start to count… Ninth grade year.
Written by Sydney Cartwright, Freshman, Summit Christian Academy
Stressed out? Here’s five ways to calm down, proven to work:
- Breathe. Literally. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, assure yourself that you can do it. Deep breathing is proven to lower stress.
- Turn it up. Play music that will energize you, if only for a few moments, take your mind off of the situation, or maybe something that helps you to focus more, like classical music.
- Laugh. Laughter helps you to mentally be more positive and upbeat, as well as relieve stress.
- Try tea. A few studies have shown that drinking tea has dropped cortisol levels and increased relaxation feelings in the body.
- Exercise. No. Not the strenuous weight-lifting or 5K. A quick stretch or minute-long walk will do, just to get yourself moving for a minute or take a small break and quickly cut down the stress factor level.
What’s wrong and how to fix it:
Academically, as high schoolers, assignments will naturally be tougher for students to do well and in a timely manner. If you are having a hard time completing an assignment, feel overwhelmed, or if you are not understanding a lesson, it is important that you let your teacher know this. If you are having constant trouble with a particular teacher’s method of teaching or a class that confuses you, your teacher may want to instill another method of tutoring or extra practice for you. At Summit Christian Academy, teachers care about the well-being of their students and support them as best as they can, in and out of class.
And everything else?
Well, besides academics, family, and sleeping, high schoolers tend to be engaged in extracurricular activities and jobs. Extracurriculars take time- sports, clubs, community service, and college applications- they’re all important, but what’s best? Well, obviously, academics should be the main priority, but what comes next? How do you know what colleges are looking for and what to invest your time into? First, try looking at the website campusexplorer.com. This is a free site that provides you with information to help fulfill higher education needs of students and making you aware of any and all types of colleges fit for you. But the question remains. What’s next? Are sports more important that being in student council, or should I drop music to fit in more community service hours? One is not more important than the other because there are universities that are specific and support all types of interests of students. What’s next is up to you, but you don’t have to sign up and be a part of everything; it is likely to create stress. Remember: Colleges may look at your extracurriculars and community service hours, but they are not likely the final determining factor. Grades should not suffer because you were too busy trying to do everything! Take it easy, take a break once in a while!
High school is important. The things you choose to spend your time on will affect your entire life, good or bad, and shape the way you view different aspects of your life. The way you interact with your teachers, friends, and family, all will have a lasting impact. The things that are or become important to you will become obvious, and people are watching, not just when you do something well. That’s why academics, sports, family, and other extracurriculars all start to count… Ninth grade year.
Written by Sydney Cartwright, Freshman, Summit Christian Academy