Support Summit
We rejoice over each and every gift to Summit and offer thanksgiving for your partnership with us in providing a school that:
- Joins with parents in the training of students who can discern God's Truth in the world around them
- Persuasively and clearly articulate questions, ideas, and most importantly, their faith
- Encourages them to look for opportunities to serve others.
"Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the Lord with a whole heart..." - 1 Chronicles 29:9
- Joins with parents in the training of students who can discern God's Truth in the world around them
- Persuasively and clearly articulate questions, ideas, and most importantly, their faith
- Encourages them to look for opportunities to serve others.
"Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the Lord with a whole heart..." - 1 Chronicles 29:9
Grammar School Playground Campaign
As of August 2019, the NEW Grammar School playground is completely installed and ready for our children! While the project is finalized, the campaign is not completely paid off. Donate online today or send in a check so we can finish this fundraising effort. We look forward to watching our students play on this new playground for years to come. Thank you to all the families who have given thus far. What a blessing! |
Designated Fund
There are numerous opportunities to bless our students and faculty. What activity speaks to you and captures your imagination?
Annual Fund
A well-supplied Annual Fund allows us to offer tuition assistance to qualifying families, train our students in effective and powerful christian leadership, and prepare for future necessities (i.e. technology upgrades, athletic resources, etc.)