Is Summit right for our family?
We are all participants in the race of life and, as you know, training is essential for lifelong success in this race. As you prepare to make educational choices for your child, we understand you are full of questions: How can I best equip my child for school and for life? Will my child find joy and fulfillment in this process? Who will partner alongside us in this journey?
Like you, we care about these questions and therefore pledge to partner with you to equip your child not only for this next stretch of the race, but for what God has in store after they leave our school building. How do we do this? We do this by knowing truth and teaching with the finish line in mind. |
Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith... - Hebrews 12: 1 - 2a |
At Summit Christian Academy, we provide a Christ-centered education designed to build upon the lessons taught at home and in your church community. We firmly believe all truth is from God, and, thus, impart a Christian worldview by teaching subjects as parts of an integrated whole with scripture at the center.
Children learn in logical phases. Classical Education addresses these phases in stages known as the Trivium: Grammar, Dialectic, Rhetoric. All disciplines explore what we know (Grammar), how we analyze and apply what we know (Dialectic), and how we discern and articulate our understanding (Rhetoric).
While we want and expect our students we excel academically, we teach in ways that foster curiosity, encourage critical thinking, and cultivate discernment and wisdom. Our goal is to prepare students for school, life, and eternity.
The Summit Experience
GRAMMAR STAGE Academic Focus: Knowledge Grammar students learn the foundational rules, skills, and facts that govern each discipline. They gain this knowledge by exploring, discovering, and wondering about the God who created all things. Students enjoy a rich learning experience as they sing and chant information, perform motions, build models, employ manipulatives in math, experiment to test hypotheses, act out scenes from novels, and dress up for historical re-enactments. Purposeful questioning is used to guide thinking, allowing students to discover and make connections and thus assign meaning to learned information. To develop excellent communicators, students are trained in grammar and writing beginning in 1st grade, with the introduction of Latin beginning in 3rd grade. |
DIALECTIC STAGE Academic Focus: Understanding Dialectic students are taught formal and informal logic. They learn to debate, argue, counter argue, discuss, construct syllogisms, outline, and develop a thesis statement as they interact with information to decide its value, purpose, and place in the scheme of factual knowledge. During this stage, student assessments emphasize evaluating their thought process rather than merely evaluating right or wrong answers. Students learn reasoning skills which help answer the "why" and "how" of facts taught and they experience firsthand how the branches of learning interrelate. The study of Latin continues as students connect history, art, literature, and culture of the Western world to the truth, beauty, and goodness of God's world. Dialectic students at Summit learn to evaluate the validity of arguments through the lens of scripture. |
RHETORIC STAGE Academic Focus: Wisdom Rhetoric students think clearly, speak skillfully, and devise sound arguments while focusing on what brings dignity to the image of God through wholesome communication. They learn to communicate persuasively in discussion-based classroom settings on topics of politics, philosophy, current events, theology, science, and literature. Their written and oratory skills are well coached in debate, speech, research, and thesis classes. Students engage in worldview and apologetics courses to analyze the validity of their own arguments and beliefs about reality. The capstone of the Rhetoric years focuses on a formal presentation and defense of a collegiate-level senior thesis. A panel of select faculty and members of the academic community judge the oral presentation. |
What are my next steps?
Review the checklist below to determine if a partnership with Summit is the right choice for your family.
🗹 We are dedicated to teaching our child about Christ at home and through local church involvement. |
🗹 We value relationships and desire to participate in faith-based academic community. |
🗹 We seek to partner with a school that prioritizes the discipleship of students in addition to academic excellence. |
🗹 We are invested in our child's academic success and will maintain open communication with faculty and staff and assist where needed. |
🗹 Our greatest commitment is to support the school and our child through prayer. |
If you answered "YES" to this list,
we invite you to schedule a tour.
we invite you to schedule a tour.